Coderank Configuration File

This file named coderank.json located in the .coderank directory helps to setup your resource to your liking.

The file looks like this:

    "type": "web",
    "run": {
        "build": "npm run build",
        "start": "npm start",
        "workDir": "/root/workspace",
        "port": "3001"
    "ports": [3000, 3001],
    "dependencies": {
        "apt": ["rsync"]

File Sections

Each section controls a pecific aspect of your resource.


The type section indicates what kind of application you aim to run. Currently we support web and shell application types.


A web type represents a web application that will be accessed via http.


A shell type represents an application that will be run via the terminal.


The run section gives us information to execute your application. it depends on the type of application. For a web application you need the start and port values at a minimum. Others are optional.

    "build": "npm run build",
    "start": "npm start",
    "workDir": "/root/workspace",
    "port": "3001"

For a shell application you only need the start command. Optional values also apply.

    "start": "./"


This is a list of ports to be exposed by the container. Maximum 3 ports. The ports simply determine which subdomains should be used for SSL.

"ports": [3000, 3001]


Dependencies are packages which your container depends on. All presets are debian based for now, so we currently only allow apt packages.

"dependencies": {
    "apt": ["rsync", "neofetch"]


These are vscode extensions specifically from the code-server extension marketplace Extensions are represented by their ids.

"extensions": [

Config File Type Definition

The full config file type looks like this:

type CoderankConfig = {
    type: "web" | "shell";
    run: {
        start: string;
        port?: string;
        workDir?: string; // Defaults to `/root/workspace`
        build?: string;
    ports: number[];
    dependencies?: {
        apt?: string[];
    extensions: string[];